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En union de prière avec les victimes de l’ouragan Harvey


Prayers for the victims of Hurricane Harvey Andrew White helps a neighbor down a street after rescuing her from her home in his boat after it was inundated with flooding from Hurricane Harvey on August 27, 2017 in Houston, Texas. Photograph by Scott Olson for Getty Images North America via AFP Statement from Cardinal Daniel DiNardo "As the Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, this crisis hits very close to home. In solidarity with my brother bishops in this area of the country, I call on people of faith to pray for all of those who have been impacted by this Hurricane, and I ask people of good will to stand with the victims and their families. May God, the Lord of mercy and compassion, protect all who are still in danger, and bring to safety those who are missing. May He care in a special way for those who were already homeless, or without support and resources, before this disaster. We pray in thanksgiving for the first responders who are risking their lives to save others at this very moment. We include in our intentions the everyday heroes reaching out to help their neighbors in need, those who, like the Good Samaritan, cannot walk by a person in need without offering their hand in aid."

Les photos d'Aleteia - publié le 29/08/17

Andrew White vient en aide à une voisine, après l’avoir secourue à l’aide de son bateau. Sa maison était inondée suite au passage de l’ouragan Harvey le 27 août 2017 à Houston au Texas.


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